Thursday, March 4, 2010

week is minggu

minggu persembahan.. macam pelik je bunyi dia kan? hikhikhik... presentation week.. that`s better..... hehhe... fuh.. lega-lega.. satu subjek dah beres untuk presentation week.. :`) organic chemistry lab report presentation.. agak tough sepanjang minggu itu.. it`s contain about the spontaneous logically... relation of what we have done, equation of all chemistry reaction (paling lemah part nih.. hhehe), discussion and so on.... tapi best..... chaiyok-chaiyok!.. heeehhh...

first day of presentation... gambar untuk second and third day tidak dapat diupload kerana hari yang sangat-sangat sibuk for snap some pics.....hehhehe

the end of the night.. presentation dah selesai but another presentation come to us on the same day.... OMG.... mata mengantuk tahap gila tapi berjuang, berjuang dan terus berjuang!.. heheh

big big day for me.. nope! for us!. heheh.. syukur Alhamdullilah.. :`).. it`s all over.. just another presentation for anatomy and physiology.. watch out guys!.. heheh


:: mohd indra :: said...

saya suka gambar-gambar dalam post ni.

Me said...

terima kasih.. :)