Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Kalau kat rumah peraturan lain, kat sekolah lain, kat luar lain… kadang kala kita mengeluh kenapa ada peraturan? Kenapa ada larangan kan? Ish, ntah apa-apalah peraturan-peraturan nih, mengarut je, nak makan pun kena lap sudu guna tisu tiga helai? T_T.. peraturan yang sangat2 obviuous dengan peraturannya….

Kalau berkata tentang agama, memang banyak larangan-Nya.. tapi kita kena ingat setiap larangan tu ada hikmah yang sangat2 besar, ada sebab mengapa Allah S.w.t melarang kita, bukan hanya suka-suka, tapi demi kebaikan hamba-Nya.

Kalau berkata tentang duniawi pulak, apa pendapat masyarakat kita?, secara jujur ada beberapa peraturan yang saya tidak setuju memandangkan ianya sangat-sangat tidak relevan dalam aspek kehidupan kita.

No-rule.. can I say that? No-i-can`t.. OMG my life full of rules. I can not do those, I can not do these… OMG.. what happen in my life? I hate when I have to use labcoat in lab, panas. I hate when I have to use cover shoes to go lab, kaki melecet, I hate to use formal dress for formal day, rimas. I HATE CERTAIN RULES.. hahaha.. I hate when I can not run around the building when i`m late to class, I.. i… ok, enough enough Natalia…. T_T… when I say I want to kill that rules, they are laughing to me.. it silly I guess.. right?.. can I kill those rules? Hahaha.. of course I can`t.. lainlah kalau I jadi P.M.. haha… ^^,

I remember my father`s rule.. never go out ALONE… ya-that`s-right.. seriously.. we never go out ALONE, jadi, nak buat benda jahat memang tak kan ada peluang.. hahaha… but here, I have to disobey that rule, I have to go everywhere alone, all by myself, just me, and it make me become more independent, I can survive by myself, not to depending with others, maybe it sounds dangerously, but in fact, that should people do. Even my friend become independent too. I`m proud of her.. she just 18-years-old but she can survive alone, including find her class and her schedule every morning. T_T… she just 18-years-old and she did well, she go to college when she was 17 and become the youngest student in that college, now she in BMS (bachelor medical science) under IMS.. ya, she is my roommate.. hihiih…

Rules in everywhere, from the day we born until the last day of our life.. rules around us… make it simple, take it as a positive side and u will say that the rules is awesome.. awesome?.. bolehlah.. hihihi…

I write thiS entry because I just got a new rule from my friend -NOT COME LATE TO CLASS OR YOU WILL DIE- hehehe… so comel lah dia tu..


Unknown said...

..that's how society as we know it survive, young lady..so, whether we like it or not, we have to abide by it..:) but some rules are meant to be broken, right?..just take care when you break them..whatever the circumstances, always use your head..good luck..pakmat will give you a kitten once you graduated..

Me said...


thanks for the advice, it very useful to me, :).. before, i was too worry to broken the rules, but sometimes i know that we have to do it for the sake of our and others life... thanks for the cutest kitten,.. ^^,

take care 2, jdbb 2.., :)

Me said...
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